
Alegria® Lactoferrin is an ELISA-based test system for the quantitative measurement of Lactoferrin in human stool samples to be used in the assessment of intestinal inflammatory disorders.

Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and fever are symptoms of conditions ranging from chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to infections of the digestive tract or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). General inflammatory parameters in the blood (CRP, ESR, complete blood count) are also not specific to inflammation localized in the intestines, so diagnoses of inflammatory bowel disease are often made with considerable delay. The detection of Lactoferrin in stool samples complements basic laboratory diagnostics with a highly diagnostic intestinal inflammatory marker, increasing the certainty of diagnosis.

Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein present in polymorphonuclear granulocytes ubiquitous throughout the body. The faecal Lactoferrin level is a measure of inflammation-induced migration of granulocytes into the intestinal lumen and correlates directly with the intensity of the inflammatory reaction of the intestinal mucosa. Elevated Lactoferrin levels in the stool are found in cases of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, infectious gastroenteritis, colorectal carcinoma. For functional disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, Lactoferrin levels lie in the normal range.

The detection of faecal Lactoferrin is a simple, non-invasive test that can reasonably be carried out before any imaging or endoscopy. Lactoferrin in stool is a sensitive marker for inflammatory bowel disease and is particularly useful for differentiating irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, measurement of the Lactoferrin level facilitates evaluation of disease activity and thus also aids in monitoring progression of the disease and its treatment.


Product Number ORG 284
Tests24 Alegria® Test Strips
Range0-150 µg/g
Cut-off7.2 µg/g
Coating anti-lactoferrin antibodies


Instruction for Use

Document Archive
Instruction for Use Revision 2. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.