
Test systems for a comprehensive antibody profile

ORGENTEC immunoblots complement our ELISA test systems and our test kits and reagents for immunofluorescence as an important component for antibody detection and diagnosing autoimmune disorders. They are put to use in diagnosing rheumatic inflammatory diseases, detecting ANCA (antinuclear cytoplasmic antibodies) and vasculitis diagnosis as well as in gastroenterology diagnostics.

ORGENTEC immunoblots can be carried out quickly and reproducibly in any laboratory. Evaluations are visual, so no special laboratory equipment is needed.

ORGENTEC Diagnostika’s blot strips for autoimmune diagnostics offer security on several levels: the cut-off lines and serum control and enzyme control lines confirm the integrity and functionality of the test system. The individual coding of ORGENTEC strips prevents mix-ups.

The cut-off line makes possible the rapid and reliable semi-quantitative evaluation of test results through comparison of colour intensity with the calibration strips included with the test kit. Positive and negative results can be unambiguously distinguished.

The advantages at a glance: