Mainz, GermanyFrederic W.P. Paquet has been appointed Director Sales International.

Frederic Paquet looks back on more than 15 years of experience in IVD and life science markets. He has worked for important international companies, including Institut Virion\Serion, Macherey-Nagel and Arion International. He is able to communicate in five languages and has expert knowledge in building up, managing and growing an international network of distributors.

Dr. Michael Bartels, Managing Director at ORGENTEC Diagnostika takes this as an important step into the further global development of the company: “We are happy to have gained such an experienced manager with an international perspective on the medical technology market for this important position. Together we will further improve the sound relationship with our distribution partners and secure ORGENTEC’s strategic position on the global marketplace.”

Frederic Paquet will join ORGENTEC on 1st July at the company’s headquarters in Mainz. “I’m looking forward to exciting new challenges in Mainz,” he states “ORGENTEC is a leading company in developing IVD tests for complex diseases. I am pleased to contribute to ORGENTEC’s global development by creating reliability and stability for customers and partners.”


Headquartered in Mainz, Germany, ORGENTEC Diagnostika offers one of the industry’s most comprehensive portfolios in autoimmune diagnostics and cardiovascular diagnostics with additional strengths in infectious disease and organ function testing. Alegria®, the automated instrument for autoimmune and infectious disease serology enables labs to complete multiple assays and deliver faster results at minimum cost. With subsidiaries in Austria, Hungary, France, U.S. and China, as well as an established global network of distribution partners, ORGENTEC’s products are benefitting patients in over 100 countries around the world.
