Medical Design Excellence Awards 2005
Mainz, 16th of June 2005ORGENTEC Diagnostika, one of the worldwide leading manufacturers in the diagnostic market for autoimmune diseases, was awarded with the Medical Design Excellence Awards® (MDEA) 2005 for developing the new and highly innovative diagnostic instrument Alegria®.
Alegria® is a "Random Access" ELISA Analyser for the field of in–vitro-diagnostics. The analyse system is developed for SMC® Technology processes, which are based on test strips for the diagnostic use of autoimmune diseases.
The principle of Alegria® and the especially developed SMC® Technology is based on a simplification of laboratory diagnostic, which allows selected and patient specific diagnosis. This individually optimized form of diagnosis makes a fast and individual handling of patient samples in laboratories possible. This results in a significant cost reduction which is finally beneficial for the whole health care system. At last the general public but also every single patient benefits of the fast diagnostic finding, which allows contemporarily starting with the appropriate therapy.
The Medical Design Excellence Awards® contest is organized by Canon Communications LLC in Los Angeles, USA, and is the only competition program that attends exclusively to contributions and innovations in the field of medical products. Submitted products are evaluated for design and technological features. This includes the innovative application of materials and user functions, which modify traditional, medical procedures. Enlarged patient benefits as well as the ability of the product development teams to manage challenges in design and development in such a way as to enable the products to fullfil the clinical requirements were taken into consideration.
The jury of MDEA - an unprejudiced, multidisciplinary and well experienced committee - evaluated all passed in products extensively. The winner of MDEA 2005 have been awarded in the context of the Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M) conference and exposition in between 13th to 15th of June 2005 in the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. The MDEA is the medical healthcare "Oscar".