
The varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes chicken pox and shingles (herpes zoster) and belongs to the family of human pathogenic alpha herpes viruses. After an incubation period of two weeks, patients develop a fever and the typical, itchy chicken pox rash. The infection is usually self-limiting. Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation of the virus, which persists in the ganglia of spinal and cranial nerves. Primary infection with VZV before the twentieth week of pregnancy may cause harm to the unborn child. Neonatal chicken pox infection may also be quite severe. Chicken pox and shingles are usually diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms. In cases of complications or infection during pregnancy, serological diagnostics become important. If VZV infection is suspected, IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies should be tested. IgM antibodies are typical of the acute phase of infection. They are absent or very scarce upon reactivation of the virus (herpes zoster). In such cases, increasing titres of IgA and IgG antibodies are more diagnostically informative. IgG determination is used for documentation of immune status and to confirm successful immunization. The ORGENTEC Anti-VZV IgA and Anti-VZV IgG tests for Alegria® use VZV glycoproteins isolated from virus cell cultures as antigens. Anti-VZV IgG is calibrated against the international WHO reference preparation (NIBSC code W1044). Recombinant glycoprotein E is the antigen in the Anti-VZV IgM Abs. test.

Anti-VZV IgA

Alegria® Anti-VZV IgA is an ELISA-based, automated, in-vitro test system for the quantitative determination of IgA antibodies against varicella zoster virus (VZV) in human serum or plasma.


Product Number ORG 914A
Tests24 Alegria® strips
Range0 - 200 U/ml
Cut-off25 U/ml
Coating VZV glycoproteins

ORG 914GL  


Instruction for Use

Document Archive
Instruction for Use Revision 3. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.

Anti-VZV IgG

Alegria® Anti-VZV IgG is an ELISA-based, automated, in-vitro test system for the quantitative determination of IgG antibodies against varicella zoster virus (VZV) in human serum or plasma.


Product Number ORG 914G
Tests24 Alegria® strips
Range0 - 1500 mIU/ml
Cut-off100 mIU/ml
Coating VZV glycoproteins

ORG 914GL  


Instruction for Use

Document Archive
Instruction for Use Revision 3. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.

Anti-VZV IgM Abs.

Alegria® Anti-VZV IgM with rheumatoid factor absorbent is an ELISA-based, automated, in-vitro test system for the quantitative determination of IgG antibodies against varicella zoster virus (VZV) in human serum or plasma.
IgM-class rheumatoid factor antibodies can distort the results of pathogen-specific IgM antibody tests. Anti-VZV IgM Abs. test with rheumatoid factor absorbent is equipped with the ORGENTEC rheumatoid factor absorbent. This reagent absorbs any rheumatoid factors that may be present during sample processing in the Alegria® instrument, making separate preparation of the serum sample unnecessary.


Product Number ORG 914MX
Tests24 Alegria® strips
Range0 - 200 U/ml
Cut-off25 U/ml
Coating VZV glycoprotein E (recombinant)


Instruction for Use

Document Archive
Instruction for Use Revision 5. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.

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