Autoimmune Controls for Alegria®

Autoimmune Controls
The regulatory requirements for quality control in the laboratory are constantly increasing. ORGENTEC offers a selection of control reagents for monitoring the performance of the Alegria® system that help the laboratory meet these requirements. The controls are adjusted to show a clearly positive reaction with the respective autoantibody test. The user determines their own laboratory-specific target values for the measurement process and the permitted range of deviation in accordance with current guidelines.
Autoimmune Controls for Alegria® are multi-parameter-specific serum controls for daily internal quality control in the autoimmune laboratory. Each control contains a selection of specific biomarkers for diagnosis in special clinical indication areas of autoimmune diseases: rheumatology, thrombosis, vasculitis or celiac disease. The most important autoimmune parameters are covered.

Validiated for Alegria®
Seven sets covering 15 parameters – ready to use. For quality and conformity in autoimmune diagnostics. Indications: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, antiphospholipid syndrome, vasculitis, celiac disease.
Ready to use:
The controls are ready-to-use and can be applied directly in the Alegria® device. To validate the diagnostic performance and to monitor the function of the Alegria® system in everyday laboratory work. Each kit contains two vials á 500 µl of the ready-to-use reagents – each individual measurement requires only 10 µl of the control serum.
The advantages at a glance:
- validated for the matching Alegria® kits
- instant usability: all reagents are ready-to-use
- easy to use: rapid and uncomplicated
- stable for up to 24 months (IgG sera) or up to 12 months (IgM sera)
More product information:
- Click on the picture below to download the product brochure:
- Use this link to download the IFU